Peter O. Stecher wurde 1965 in Wien, Österreich, geboren. Er arbeitet als Coach, PR-Berater und Autor. Seine Artikel zu historischen Themen und Bogensport wurden in internationalen Magazinen veröffentlicht und 2010 wurde sein erstes Buch "Legends in Archery - Abenteurer mit Bogen und Pfeil" publiziert. 2011 erschien es auch in englischer Sprache in den USA. Stecher ist Jäger und gilt als Bogen und Pfeil-Experte. Er engagiert sich für den Schutz bedrohter Tierarten. Mit der Bowman-Serie greift Peter O. Stecher aktuelle Themen, wie die internationale Wilderei auf geschützte Tierarten und gefährlichen Aberglauben auf.
Peter O. Stecher (born 1965 in Vienna, Austria) is an expert in archery. He is a published author on the subject, and he has toured the globe to perform in various archery events as "Bowman", including a slapstick routine with a character he calls "Barry Bowdini". Stecher lives in Lockenhaus, where in 1991 he founded the first archery club in the Burgenland state. Stecher is known as a classic bow purist, shooting every bow type, but prefers the simple straight American semi-longbow similar to the ones favored by Howard Hill.
Stecher's book, Legends in Archery - Adventurers with Bow and Arrow (Schiffer Publishing, 2010, ISBN 978-0764335754), began as a 2008 series of portraits of famous archers, for a German-language trade magazine. The book was then published in the German language in 2008, then more widely released in 2010, in English. One of the subjects of Stecher's book is American star archer, Byron Ferguson, who contacted Stecher, and the two bowmen became friends. Stecher has translated Ferguson's own book, Become the Arrow, into German. Stecher then completed a 20-minute DVD featuring trick shots and slow-motion imaging with a high-speed camera.
More recently, Stecher was invited to Nanjing as one of the seven best "Robin Hood" archers from around the world, to appear on a Chinese televised program featuring an archery competition, the first ever on popular Chinese broadcasting. The show, which aired on Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation on 22 February 2015, was seen by 250 million Chinese viewers. One contestant was Chinese Olympic gold medalist, Zhang Juanjuan. The challenge was to shoot arrows at falling rings. In the end, Stecher shot to a draw with Zhang Juanjuan, each hitting seven falling rings out of fifteen opportunities.
In 2017 Stecher was invited to South Korea to join the WTAO (World Traditional Archery Association), the Austrian model Michaela Wolf aka Wendy Night joined him and together they were the amabssadors of Austrian culture and archery.
2020 Peter O. Stecher published his first fiction novel, a thriller starting the "Bowman"-Serial. The first book "Bowman - Blutiges Horn" took up current themes like poachery of protected and endangered animals and "alternative medicine".